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Mega Evolutions return to the TCG - Pokebeach

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Mega Evolutions return to the TCG - Pokebeach

Post by teamrocketadmin »

Mega Evolutions are finally returning to the TCG. Pokebeach released an article from the Pokemon Day announcements about the megas returning. The set names were already trademarked earlier this year so we knew this was coming.  

Megas return article from Pokebeach!

Trademark article for megas

It will be interesting to see if the return of this subset will have any impact on the XY block which first featured the Mega Evolutions. The latter half of the block struggled to gain interest from Pokeinvestors because of the stigma of overprinting that happened back in 2016. Currently, the prices for the latter half of the XY block has gone through a correction phase with almost all the boxes hitting $1000 and beyond in early 2025. 

The supply of the booster boxes with the exception of XY evolutions has been declining ever since the pandemic boom and there is almost no supply left. Will collectors and investors experience the nostalgia needed to finally give the XY block some attention?  
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